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Sting Productions
The Music Of Tomorrow — For The Caller Of Today
Snow Records
The New "CALLER-on-SNOW" Deal

Would you like to record a vocal on SNOW?

Here is how the new “Caller-on-Snow” deal will work
(please read through to the end of this text):

  1. To be a “Caller-on-Snow”, you will need to be a paid-up, current, Regular Member of the Ambassador Club; if you are not already a Member you will need to join (at a cost of $150.00 - if part of a “Caller-on-Snow” deal).
  2. You will need to purchase three more Ambassador Club Memberships, from the current (i.e. 2022) Edition, to record a Vocal, on a specially produced piece of music; you are allowed to sell-on, to recover your investment.

Terms and Conditions, concerning selling-on these further three Ambassador Club Memberships:

  1. You can only sell these places to people who are not already (or not currently) a Regular Member
  2. You cannot use these places to pay for your own (or anyone else’s) Membership.

Recording a Singing Call:

There is a certain style of voice that sells records and there is a certain style of song that fits a certain style of voice; the important thing to do is to find the song that will achieve these criteria; these are the steps:

  1. Find a Tune that you feel could be "made-over" into a Square Dance Singing Call
  2. Agree an arrangement that will be effective; this includes:
    1. Arrangement of parts of the song (how to create the seven parts of the Singing Call).
    2. The Rhythm style to be used
    3. The instrumentation that would work best
    4. The correct Key to use for recording the music
    5. Any special elements e.g. Key Changes, Rhythm Breaks, long/short introduction etc.
  3. Record the Music - I will arrange for this to be done, in accordance with our agreed arrangement.
  4. Record the Vocal - You will record the Vocal at a studio that you find; the studio cost to paid by you.
  5. Once the production is ready, it will be released as soon as possible (or to meet your requirements).  As soon as it is ready to release, this new tune will be sent out - FREE OF CHARGE - to all "paid-up" Members of the current Ambassador Club and will become available to other Callers to buy as a Single from our Web-Site/shop!
  6. Your contact details, including a picture and a short biography (that you will provide) will be added to the Snow page on our Web-Site/shop.
  7. The option to record further Singing Calls, on this same basis, will be available - should you wish...

General Comments:

It is my intention that Snow will be thought of as a “Thunderbolt” label, set-up to provide for quick releases (of current popular songs - should we find one that would be best served by an immediate release), as well as offering a "Showcase" for Callers who want the chance to "try-their-luck" at recording a Vocal; it is a stand-alone label not just a "Sub-Label" of Sting.

Sting Productions Ambassador Club "Caller-on-Snow" releases will only be made available in digital formats (CD and MP3), not in Vinyl, as the production of Vinyl is no longer a viable option.

Finally, if you have any further questions etc. please let me know.

Regards, Paul

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Last modified/updated on: Tuesday 2022-04-05 18:10:47 UTC
(other pages on this website will have different dates)

This website is owned and copyright © 2015-2024 by Sting and Snow Records
Owner & Producer: Paul Bristow
Hapstow House, 286 Long Drive,
Ruislip, Middlesex, HA4 OHZ, United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 8845 5073