I Was Made For Loving You
(SNW 803)
Uli Schingen
Sides face, grand square
I was made for lovin' you, Baby
You were made for lovin' me
I can't get enough of you, Baby
Can you get...
Allemande left and weave the ring
I was made for loving you, Baby
Swing your darlin' promenade back home
I can't get enough of you, Baby
Can you get enough of me?
Heads promenade halfway 'round that ring you go
Walk in, square thru 4 hands around you whirl
A right & left thru
Veer left and ferris wheel
Square thru 3/4
Swing and promenade that town
Girl, I was made for you
Girl you were made for me
Swing her
And I was made for loving you, Baby
You were made for loving me