Barnacle Bill
(SNW 301)
Al Green
To your partner bow real low
To your corner bow real low
To your opposite bow real low
To the one over there bow real low again
Swing your partner round and round
Keep swingin' that girl and promenade her
Promenade go round the ring, go all the way back home again
Square your square, we'll do it again
Said Barnacle Bill the sailor
FIGURE (repeat twice for boys and girls)
Head/side ladies/boys chain across
Side/head ladies/boys chain across
Head/side ladies/boys chain back home
Side/head ladies/boys chain back home
Swing your corner round and round
Keep swingin' that girl and promenade her
Promenade go round the ring, go all the way back home again
Square your square, we'll do it again
Said Barnacle Bill the sailor