How do you do it?   (Sting 328 )   Paul Bristow


You circle left
How do you do what you do to me?
I wish I knew
Oh Left Allemande your corner
Come home a dosado with your girl
Allemande left and weave the ring go
How do you do what you do to me?
Swing and promenade her too
Well if I knew how you do it to me

I's do it to you


Heads you square thru, You give me a feeling in my heart
Dosado Like an arrow passing through it
Swing thru, You think you're very smart, boys run
Half tag, Scoot back, Tell me how do you do it?
Boys run right, slide thru the Corner Swing
You promenade her too
Well if I knew how you do it to me
I's do it to you


Swing Boy! When I do it to you