It Doesn't Matter Anymore    (SIR 307)   Randy Dougherty


circle left
there you go and baby, here am i
you left me here so I could sit and cry

walk around that corner lady, seesaw your own
left allemande and you gonna weave
do you remember baby last september when you
dosado, promenade back home
oh ho baby, how you drove me crazy
I guess it doesn't matter anymore


heads/sides square thru, right and left thru
hen now veer to the left, boys run and the boys trade
swing thru, recycle, sweep 1/4
boys walk and girls dodge
swing that corner lady, you promenade
oh ho baby, how you drove me crazy
I guess it doesn't matter anymore


walk around that corner girl, come back a dopaso
turn her by the left & the corner by the right
and her by the left you know, make an allemande thar
the men back in, back on down the line, slip the clutch
left allemande, you gonna weave
you go your way baby, I'll go mine
swing your baby, promenade down the line
oh ho baby, how you drove me crazy
I guess it doesn't matter anymore


I guess it doesn't matter anymore