Fraulein    (SIR 0306)  Al Stevens


Grand Square
Far across the deep blue water lives an old German's daughter
By the band of the old river Rhein
Circle Left
Where I loved her then left her
Left allemande and Promenade her
I miss my pretty fraulein


Heads Square Thru count 'em 4 hands round
You make a Right Hand Star
The Heads Star Left, roll it one time and then
Same pair and do a Dosado
Swing Thru and then the Boys Trade
Swing the corner lady round and Promenade
I miss my pretty fraulein


Sides Face Grand Square
When my memory wanders out there over yonder
To the sweetheart that I left behinde
Circle left
In the moment of glory
Left allemande and Promenade
I miss my pretty fraulein


I miss my pretty fraulein